Friday, March 9, 2012

Matters of the Heart

These are my parents (John & Jody)....aren't they cute??  I think so.  We had a bit of a scare this week.  My step father, John, was experiencing severe bouts of heart burn.  After a few days of suffering, he decided to see his family doctor who did an EKG and then referred him for a stress test in fear he was having a cardiac related episode.  After the stress test, he was sent to a cardiologist for a catheter procedure and possibly, a stint. 

The picture above was taken at the Burn one-year anniversary party last August.  As you can see, he's the picture of a healthy man.  He maintains a healthy body weight, has good blood pressure, and low cholesterol.  He possesses none of the risk factors typically associated with heart disease.  Unfortunately, the catheter procedure reveled two minor blocked arteries on the back side of his heart.  In these particular places, stints aren't effective.  The doctors released him this afternoon and plan to manage his genetic heart condition with medicine and...EXERCISE.  My step dad is a wonderful, wonderful man.  He's the glue and calming presence in my family and we wouldn't be the same without him.  So you can imagine the worry, concern, and shock, to find that he may have an issue with his ticker.

My mom and I have always struggled to maintain healthy body weight and have supported each other through our journeys.  Since I can remember, my mom exercised.  Jane Fonda VHS tapes when I was little, and in high school, we started exercising together.  TAE-BO & Denise Austin tapes, and long walks.  I don't think I'd be a personal trainer today if it wasn't for her.  On the other hand, my step dad has always had a lean body, a substantial sweet tooth, but extremely hard working without a care in the world about thick thighs or beer guts.  We never questioned it...why would we?  I've always wondered, if I were naturally thin would I love exercise as I do?  I'm not would definitely be difficult to motivate myself.  In some aspects I'm glad it's never been easy.  I learned early in life the benefits of exercise and have been chasing my physical apex ever since.  I still haven't got there but I enjoy the process.  This week has taught me how critical it is to watch out for our loved ones, big and small, thick and thin, and make sure EVERYONE raises their heart rate on a regular basis.  IT'S SO IMPORTANT.  My mom and I assumed that because John was a healthy weight and "active" i.e. lots of work around the house, lawn work, never a couch potato, that he would be great.  We can never assume.  Everyone needs to get up, get moving, and get their burn on....someway, somehow.

John is taking a little time to work into his new fitness plan but I'm thrilled to announce we have a new member at Burn.  Please help make him feel welcome.  Love you Dad!  So glad you're okay.           

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly! Heart disease is something that everyone should think about. I have had high blood pressure since I was 23 (I weighed 135 and worked out 5 days a week). It runs in my genes, and heart disease is what killed my mom two years ago at the age of 55. It is a serious and scary thing.
